Well friends, the time has finally come! I officially leave for Europe in only two days! Everyone keeps asking how excited I am, and telling me what a wonderful experience I'm going to have. I can't wait!! Though I have been feeling some anxiety these past few days while making final preparations, I know that once I step off that plane in Madrid, it will all be worth it!
The past week I've spent the majority of my evenings packing and re-packing my bags- I get so indecisive! I've always been the one that overpacks for any emergency that might pop up, but this time around I'm taking a high-maintenance-minimalist approach! This means that while I don't pack more the the absolute basics, I allow myself to take things that I know I won't be able to find/buy while in Europe. Since the weather will be so warm while I'm abroad, I've packed mainly dresses and skirts to wear. Thankfully, all of my clothing fits into the top compartment of my carry-on suitcase, so my duffle bag is chalk full of gluten free food and full-sized toiletries to use while living in Spain. After that I will just use the little travel size containers while in France and Italy.
Though I took all the food out of boxes, you get the general idea!
Now to talk about communication!! I will be taking my newly upgraded iPhone 4S abroad with me. However, I have decided not to buy an international calling/texting plan or a data plan. This means that my phone will be in airplane mode, and will not receive text/calls while abroad. Please don't think I'm ignoring you! The good news is that anyone with a smartphone can download the free app called
Viber, which allows free international calls/texts when using WiFi. Otherwise, I am also bringing my laptop with me, and will have regular access to email and Facebook. Of course, I will also be updating my blog as often as possible with all my adventures, so stay tuned! The parts of Europe that I will be visiting are 7 hours ahead of Central time, so I'll have to keep that in mind.
As for mail, I posted a while ago about how to reach me via mail while in Valencia (June 27-July 31), but I want to make sure everyone knows, so here it is again! Anything anyone would like to mail to me (please do!) must be sent through the ISA office. The address is as follows:
Maggie Bryant
Pasaje Doctor Bartual Moret No 6, oficina Ñ
46010 Valencia, Spain
Directly from the handbook: "It is best to send packages, especially ones of importance, via courier services such as FedEx or UPS to avoid lost parcels. Keep descriptions simple and easy-to-understand such as, 'used clothing, value $25', and avoid complex descriptions such as, 'leather jacket, value $250'. Goods sent from outside the European Union will be subject to a customs tax, as set by Spain and European law. The local delivery agent customs representatives may also charge a handling fee in addition to the customs tax. Tax can be charged for any item of value, but in general most packages with a declared value of under $50 arrive untaxed."
Though I love keeping up electronically with everyone, it would be fun to receive some paper mail, or even a little care package as well! *hint, hint* ;)
Next time I post, it will be from Spain, so ádios friends!